Thursday, January 3, 2008

Holiday Hospital Déja-vu

We spent Christmas last year in the hospital with our then one-month-old, Madison, with the respiratory virus, RSV. It should have come as no surprise when, on the night before we were to fly home from our Christmas visit with Katie's family in Tennessee, Madison woke me up around 2am. I could hear her labored breathing through her crying and coughing.

After calling our pediatrician's nurse advice line and being told to hang up and dial 911 based on hearing Madison over the phone, we jumped in the car and drove to the hospital. Madison enjoyed her first ride in the front seat on the way there.

After our poor girl went through chest x-rays, blood tests, and then additional chest x-rays, she was given an antibiotic shot in her thigh and a prescription for another antibiotic taken orally. Poor girl. She was exhausted when we finally left the hospital close to 7am. We thank the Lord that Madison's upper respiratory infection wasn't any more serious, and for the graciousness of the American Airlines employee who waived our change fees to let us fly home tomorrow instead. Time for bed!

1 comment:

Stef said...

Whew... glad everything is ok with Madison. That can be so scary, especially when its our kids. I could totally see the panic in Katie's face in your pictures. Not to say that the dad's don't care, but we moms feel it so deeply.
Happy New Year!