Guess we'll be calling a professional to handle this one. An axe takes a long time, but the only time you'll see me with a chainsaw is if I'm trying to juggle 3 of them. And axes aren't just for murderers anymore.
On a more cheerful note, the Tahoe ski areas are getting record snowfalls, which we're hoping to take advantage of sometime soon. 10 feet of powder, they say. I can't wait. Maybe I'll grab that chainsaw after all.
Yeah, is this a picture of the adorable Michaela? by a blown down tree? Come on Michael that tree isn't so big you could chop it apart...does Katie have to handle all the big jobs?
I Want to go to Tahoe! Invite me along you freakazoid!
Hi Michael... I was just curious. What small churches are you helping?
After clicking several links that did not work, I somehow bumped into your blog. I see it has not been updated recently (that is blogging for you - on again, off again), but perhaps you check by every now and then. I just wanted to comment on your little girls. They are soooooooo cute!!!!
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